New blog!
On this blog I will post about my game development news. For now, if there is something I want to say about Cupig's Key Collectathon, I will say it here. This will also be the place where I announce new projects.
For smaller logs I use my Blue Sky profile. There I write about small changes in the game and react to others. Also you can talk to me there.
Writing a blog in 2024 (current year argument) is strange indeed. But I like doing things like this. Making this blog is also a bit unorthodox. How do I do it? In VS Codium. Each post is a HTML file. I have a small script that updates the post list based on existing HTML files. Then I upload it to GitHub where this is hosted. I know I could use Jekyll for this, but then I would have to suffer a lot of installation and command line stuff. This is easy. I had to build the HTML template once. I just feel the article tag with HTML markdown paragraphs and an h1 title tag. And it is done.